Μακιγιάζ, καθώς και προσφυγή στο Blog Blog Δευτέρα, Vol. 361

You may be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Λοιπόν, δεν είναι ακριβώς μια δημοσκόπηση. Είναι πολύ περισσότερο από ένα τακτικά εξελισσόμενο (divololving;), κάπως τυχαία λίστα ανησυχιών που βάζα στους επισκέπτες κάθε Δευτέρα το πρωί για τα τελευταία επτά χρόνια. (Είναι σαν ένα kickstart για τον εγκέφαλό σας.) Έχω πάντα ευχαρίστηση να διαβάζω τις απαντήσεις σας στα σχόλια, καθώς και ελπίζω να απολαύσετε την ευχαρίστηση να διαβάσετε το δικό μου.

Most uncomfortable moment you’ve ever had at work?
To secure the innocent, I’m going to NOT state names, however at my last job…

Even just believing about it makes my skin crawl!

My coworker — I believe this was before I satisfied El Hub — he walked as much as my cube someday as well as type of published there, like he was gonna speak to me as usual, so he starts speaking to me, as well as over the program of the conversation, he begins to unbutton his tee shirt to show off his manly chest. as well as his gold chains.

It was so wrong! as well as I keep in mind thinking, oh god, just avert your eyes! just avert your eyes as well as try to modification the subject! turn toward your computer!!

So I just started typing nonsense truly quick on my computer. I opened my Outlook as well as just started typing, “asdf;lkjasdf;lkjasdf,” as well as ultimately he got the hint as well as went away.

Ugh! I can’t even believe about it without feeling grossed out.

What were your preferred books to checked out when you were a teenager?
Ω! Well, I was truly into a great deal of the prominent series at the time. wonderful Valley High was one of my favorites. I likewise liked V.C. Andrews. Ω Θεέ μου. flowers in The Attic as well as all of the other V.C. Andrews series.

I checked out a great deal of poppy, pulpy stuff in high school.

Well, for my outside institution reading time.

Just generally, which one would you rather wear: sharp or smudgy eyeliner?
Smudgy, since it’s a lot more laid-back as well as much easier to do, as well as I like that it looks a bit messy…’cause I’m kinda untidy too.

What do you listen to while you work (if you listen to anything)?
If I’m writing, I like to have it quiet, since for some reason that part of my brain doesn’t work when there are any type of distractions, however if I’m working on photos or other things, then there’s this iTunes Radio station I just recently discovered called electronic chill that’s extremely soothing as well as peppy at the exact same time.

When it pertains to clothing, what colors do you wear well?
I understand that I don’t wear bright yellow well.

I tried last weekend. I went to Nordstrom to return some things, as well as I tried on this bright yellow sweatshirt since it was incredibly soft, however I looked absolutely horrible in it.

I appeared like I hadn’t seen the sun in six months.

But I do like the method I look in jewel tones as well as purples as well as emerald as well as deep, rich teals. as well as likewise specific pastels, like light pink, light blue as well as mint green.

Ironically, however, my entire wardrobe is gray ideal now…


Σειρά σου. Απλά αντίγραφο καθώς και επικολλήστε τη συμμόρφωση με τις ανησυχίες σε ένα σχόλιο με τις απαντήσεις σας. Κοιτάζω μπροστά για να τα διαγράψω!

1. a lot of uncomfortable moment you’ve ever had at work?
2. What were your preferred books to checked out when you were a teenager?
3. just generally, which one would you rather wear: sharp or smudgy eyeliner?
4. What do you listen to while you work (if you listen to anything)?
5. When it pertains to clothing, what colors do you wear well?


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Hello from sunny as well as rather chilly as well as windy northern California! Did you enjoy the Oscars last night?

Tabs was a anxious wreck, so I had to get out of the house. You’re going to laugh, however I ended up going to see Fifty shades of Grey.

But it was fun! My buddy snuck in a couple small bottles of Prosecco (shh), so we were having white wine as well as eating popcorn while enjoying the movie.

And the women I was with are women from the salon, so they’re extremely rambunctious. Every single time Christian Grey would, like, get naked, somebody would go, “Meow!” or “RRRAARRW!” Είχε πλάκα.

I hope you’re having a extremely great morning so far. My tea is beginning to kick in, so I’m gettin’ terminated up.


Have a terrific rest of your day as well as a fantastic week. τα λέμε σύντομα.

Η φιλική σας κοινότητα προσφυγή εξαρτημάτων,


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