Makeup and charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 338

You might be wondering, “So what in tarnation is this Monday Poll thing anyway!?”

Λοιπόν, δεν είναι ακριβώς μια δημοσκόπηση. It’s much more of a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. (It’s like a kickstart for your brain.) I’ve always delighted in reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you delight in reading mine.

Do you choose spicy, salty or sweet?
When Tabs isn’t running my life like a little dictator, my sweet tooth is.

I have noticed, though, that over the past few years some of the sweet things I used to ravenously crave, like Reese’s pieces and Ghirardelli milk chocolate, don’t light my fire the way they used to. now they taste practically too sweet for me.

I think I’m gradually turning into one of those peeps (mmm…peeps) who likes a little salt with her sweets.

Who’s been doing your brows these days?
To quote De La Soul, “It’s just me myself and I.”

What was the last topic you and your BFF talked or texted about?
Surprisingly, for once, it had nothing whatsoever to finish with capri pants, haha.

We talked about books. She just finished rereading The great Gatsby (she’s on a classics kick), and I’m in the middle of daughter of Smoke and Bone and loving every minute of it.

This week I give myself consent to _____.
This week I give myself consent to take it easy because, note to self, not everything has to be difficult, Karen!

Have you ever fostered an animal?
Οχι όχι ακόμα. I’d love to. I can certainly see myself fostering kitties someday, but my current employment contract stipulates that I not take on any additional jobs assisting other felines while I’m employed by Tabs… He’s spoiled and ferociously territorial. I’d be concerned about bringing any other cats into this office environment.


Σειρά σου. Απλά αντιγράψτε και επικολλήστε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις σε ένα σχόλιο με τις απαντήσεις σας. Ανυπομονώ να τα διαγράψω!

1. Do you choose spicy, salty or sweet?
2. Who’s been doing your brows these days?
3. What was the last topic you and your BFF talked or texted about?
4. This week,I give myself consent to _____
5. have you ever fostered an animal?

So, I’ve been on a Karl Lagerfeld quote kick lately (blame it on the sweatpants!), and the much more of them I read, the much more I’m convinced that hanging out with him would be at the same time frightening και διασκέδαση.

Homeboy says some crazy sh*t! some of it is just so outrageous that I can’t help but laugh.


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

“When I was four I asked my mother for a valet for my birthday.”

But he also says some things that resonate with me…

“I’m never content with what I do. I live in a sort of permanent dissatisfaction. I think that’s the secret to doing things well.”

I don’t know about it being the secret to doing things well, but I can relate to the part about never being content with what I do.

Freakin’ Karl… I’d love to have coffee with him someday. I think a conversation with him would be wonderfully strange and inspiring.

And speaking of inspiration (and lame transitions, yes), here are some things I’ve been liking lately…

Celebrity makeup artist Monika Blunder’s YouTube vids. I viewed a bunch of them on the treadmill last Friday during my long run for the week. She’s worked with Megan Fox, Rosie Huntington-Whitley and Jessica Alba, among others. Her vids are really easy to follow, and I love her accent (although I’m not sure what it is).

Butter London makeup artist and manicurist Katie Jane Hughes on Instagram. I dig her FOTDs. Her style is available with a bit of an edge.

These cat eye glasses by vogue Eyewear. I need new specs and am completely lusting over these frames. What do you think — black or brown?


I hope you have a fantastic Monday, babe, and a great week.

Η φιλική γοητεία της γειτονιάς σας,


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