What Is Your a lot of Irrational makeup or Beauty-Related Fear?

Fully-accredited expert worrywart, at your service!
Being a card-carrying, professionally licensed worrywart, I have rather a few irrational makeup as well as beauty-related fears, however the most severe one has to be getting my brows professionally done.

I’ve always taken care of my brows myself as well as have never had them professionally waxed, plucked, threaded or otherwise tended to by a stranger, mainly since of the previously mentioned fear. I’m terrified of somebody (else) inadvertently messing them up.


If I mess them up myself, OK, that’s one thing, as well as I am guilty of making poor brow decisions, for sure.

But I don’t know… I can just see myself sitting down in a chair as well as having somebody inadvertently wax off half my left brow or pluck both of them into a odd shape where I look permanently surprised. I’m seeing as well lots of different doomsday brow scenarios play out.

Really, though, that’s the idea of the irrational appeal iceberg. I’m likewise terrified of…


Γάτες & μακιγιάζ φούτερ;

$ 42

Ψώνισε τώρα

Accidentally shaving off my own eyebrows in the shower with a body razor.
Don’t ask me why, however I can absolutely see this happening.

Being startled by El Hub coming around a corner while I’m curling my lashes with my lash curler as well as inadvertently pulling them out mid-curl.

Losing my makeup bag on an crucial work trip. My rational mind says, “Don’t worry, Karen. You might discover replacements for whatever in a pinch.” however my irrational mind says, “OMG! Φρικαρω! Τι να κάνω?!”

ΟΚ μωρο. Spill them beans. What’s your a lot of irrational makeup or beauty-related fear?

Η φιλική σας κοινότητα προσφυγή εξαρτημάτων,


ΥΣΤΕΡΟΓΡΑΦΟ. Χαιρετίσματα! welcome to the hump.


I’m delighted to report that there’s silence at the end of the noisy tunnel… That building job I’ve been speaking about is (hopefully) unwinding today. Or at least this week. As we speak, they’re pressure washing the windows, so there’s a generator humming as well as a high-pressure hose hissing outside, however honestly, those are like a whisper compared to the racket of the past few weeks.

Or perhaps I’m just ending up being immune to it all, haha!

I’m off to make one more cup of coffee (Target’s Archer Farms Light Roast breakfast Blend). Can I get you one?

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